
Items tagged with "Europe"

Europe Needs a Way to Discover Corporate Reports

This week we are pleased to feature a guest post from Mohini Singh, Director, Financial Reporting Policy at CFA Institute. In her post she highlights the “missing piece” in the digitisation of reporting in the EU: the need for a single way to discover reports.  As things stand, while digital reporting in Inline XBRL is […]

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EBA Consults on Reporting Requirements for Market Risk

This week the European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a public consultation on specific supervisory reporting requirements for market risk. These reporting requirements form the first part of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) introduced by the revised Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR2) in the prudential framework of the EU. This consultation paper includes proposals […]

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EBA Calls on EC to Boost Cross-Border Finance

The European Banking Authority (EBA) have published a report calling on the European Commission to improve conditions for cross-border banking and payments services within the EU. The report identifies two main impediments to cross-border banking and payments reaching their full potential in Europe. Firstly, clearer communications are needed to better identify when a digital activity […]

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EBA Risk Report Shows Stability but Low Profits

Good news from the European Banking Authority (EBA) this week as their periodic risk assessment of the EU banking sector shows stable capital ratios and improving asset quality. The Risk Dashboard’s second quarter update, which summarises the main risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector, shows steady improvement despite the challenges of low profits […]

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EIOPA Consult on Disclosure Requirements

The European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority (EIOPA) has launched a consultation on the appropriateness and proportionality of public disclosure, in preparation for its 2020 Solvency II Review. EIOPA is assessing the appropriateness and proportionality of supervisory reporting and public disclosure content, volume, frequency and deadlines, and checking if existing exemption requirements are sufficient. While […]

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Big Data Could Warn of Company Distress

The Danish Business Authority, one of Early Warning Europe’s 15 partners has developed a machine learning tool that uses publicly available accounting data to identify companies in financial distress.

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XBRL Europe Workshop in Paris a Great Success

Last month saw the 23rdXBRL Europe Day, held in Paris from 28-29 May. More than 150 attendees got the latest news on ESEF, participated in working groups and networked over dinner in a French Brasserie. See here for a video of how the day unfolded and to access links to the various presentations.

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This week Steven Maijoor, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority, made a speech at the 2019 Eurofiling Conference on the continuous work ESMA are doing to improve the quantity, quality, and availability of data, including in the context of financial reporting. Maijoor says “Financial reporting is a means of communicating and in the digital age […]

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23rd XBRL Europe Workshop

Last week saw the XBRL community in Europe gather in Paris at the 23rd XBRL Europe workshop, kindly hosted by the ACPR/Banque de France. With updates from ESMA on the ESEF mandate, as well as a range of information about XBRL developments across the region, the meeting saw: Working Groups from both XBRL Europe and XBRL International […]

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ESEF Becomes European Law

After over four years of preparations, multiple draft proposals and a mammoth effort translating the IFRS standards into all official EU languages, the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) became law this week on May 29. The mandate is due to take effect for all IFRS based annual reports issued by public companies and PIEs for […]

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