
Items tagged with "Analysis"

FRC unveils Viewer to unlock structured data for all

The UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC) just launched the public beta of its digital reporting Viewer—great news for anyone who wants easier access to structured company data. This tool lets users view and analyse Inline XBRL reports without specialist software.

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Why AI needs XBRL

By John Turner, CEO of XBRL International, based on an original post on LinkedIn.  XBRL is outdated? That’s news to AI—and suggestions from some preparers that AI can replace XBRL remain wildly optimistic! Reality check: AI without structured data is like a self-driving car without roads, maps and experience on the road. It might get […]

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News Item

Unlocking the potential of ESG disclosures in India: A must-read analysis

In an era in which sustainability is not just a choice but becoming a statutory obligation in much of the world, understanding the landscape is crucial for stakeholders throughout the business data ecosystem.

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How’s that done?

Last week’s item demonstrating the way that US FFIEC reports (published in XBRL) can be consumed and analysed got a lot of attention. But how is it done?

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Natural Language Processing is here to stay

We found food for thought in a recent article from Irene Liu and team of Accenture, exploring the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for regulatory compliance.

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Is AI a must to deal with today’s data?

We enjoyed the food for thought offered in a recent opinion piece by Jo Ann Barefoot on the case for placing artificial intelligence (AI) at the heart of digitally robust financial regulation.

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UK’s first Inline XBRL ESG report offers exciting new ways to analyse data

We’ve been diving into the analytical possibilities offered by digital environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting in recent days.

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A “small revolution”: a French perspective on ESEF and its opportunities

We were interested this week to read reflections on the changeover to the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) and Inline XBRL for financial reporting in Europe, from members of the French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF, La Société Française des Analystes Financiers) Evaluation Commission.

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A useful point: Calcbench insights on rounding

Just last week we posted on rounding of figures in reports, and how it can cause validation processes to flag calculation inconsistencies that – while they should be checked – should not be a cause for concern, since there is (generally) no underlying error.

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Demonstrating how xBRL-JSON greatly simplifies analytics

Those of our readers who attended Data Amplified will know that Revathy Ramanan, XBRL International’s Guidance Manager, wowed the audience with a live demonstration, building multiple analytical reports on the fly. She has revisited her conference session with a new blog post on the Taggings section of our website, ‘xBRL-JSON makes report consumption easier!’

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