PwC underline importance of quality Data
This week PwC published a strong call for companies to take full advantage of the recent pivot to digital with high-quality XBRL data.
This week PwC published a strong call for companies to take full advantage of the recent pivot to digital with high-quality XBRL data.
Calcbench recently published a three-part blog scouring restaurant sector disclosures to discover the data-based story of how much harm the pandemic has caused. Of course, we don’t necessarily need to dig into disclosures to ascertain that restaurant sales went off a cliff in March as lockdowns started to come into force across the US and […]
XBRL is now the standard for financial reporting, providing machine-readable data with vastly improved accuracy and quality to regulators worldwide. With significant amounts of structured data increasingly available, how can AI be used to turn that information into insight? While some AI programmes are designed to be able to deal with data that is unstructured, […]
In the Bank of International Settlements’ (BIS) latest podcast Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics and Research Support at BIS, discusses how we can best use big data, the opportunities and challenges it presents, and the policy issues it creates. Tissot likes to see big data as organic data as opposed to static data: static data is collected […]
A new CFA Institute comment letter demonstrates the value of using structured data to inform debate and underpin policy decisions.
As the year draws to a close ITProPortal has taken a stab at predicting how data use will change in 2020. Much of their predictions centre around improvements in AI analysis – which the expansion of structured data around the world will help facilitate. They predict that developments in AI and machine learning will mean patterns across […]
This week we are pleased to feature a guest post from Mohini Singh, Director, Financial Reporting Policy at CFA Institute. In her post she highlights the “missing piece” in the digitisation of reporting in the EU: the need for a single way to discover reports. As things stand, while digital reporting in Inline XBRL is […]
At Data Amplified 2019 Emily Huang, CEO, and Christine Tan, CRO, co-founders of idaciti, gave an inspiring demonstration of the powerful capabilities of their platform to make XBRL data more usable and understandable. Idaciti have built an impressive piece of software that allows companies, investors, and analysts to efficiently dive into XBRL data, streamlining their […]
In January 2019 the US’s Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) new standard on leases, ASC 842, came into effect, requiring companies to report leasing costs on their balance sheet. But why is lease accounting important for investors and analysis? In a helpful article on Value Walk last week Christine Tan outlined the significance of the […]
An article by Robin Wigglesworth in the Financial Times this week calls out the fact that if governments don’t ensure they have access to new, useful sources of alternative data, policymakers risk being left in the dark in an increasingly data-rich world.