
Items tagged with "GLEIF"

News Item

Speaking of Design and Inline XBRL…

XBRL International’s Technical Director, Paul Warren demonstrated the way that fully valid Inline XBRL documents can be created that are indistinguishable from “glossy” PDFs, while still containing all of the markup that regulators (and markets) need. We will be publishing a range of information about these techniques and some examples will be made available on […]

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Structured Business: How can Structured Data Improve Outcomes?

Standardisation, be it in the realm of technology or definitions/semantics, is essential for clarity, comparability and efficiency.

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News Item
National Identifiers Less Effective Than International Identifiers

National Identifiers Less Effective Than International Identifiers

Regulators in many jurisdictions have mandated the use of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI) to increase transparency and reduce risks in financial markets – however, the question of identity at a national level, and outside of the finance sector, can be complex and inefficient. The LEI ROC (Regulatory Oversight Committee) progress report recommended that individual jurisdictions […]

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ANNA and GLEIF Join Forces on ISIN-to-LEI Mapping Initiative

This week the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) and the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) have announced the signing of a new initiative to link International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs) and Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). The aim is to help improve the transparency of exposure by linking the issuer and issuance of securities. […]

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News Item

LEI moving forward

At this week’s GLEIF workshop in San Francisco, a host of experts from around the world gathered to discuss identity in all shapes, ranging from regulatory reporting to commercial applications in cutting-edge consumer platforms. The focus of the meeting turned on digital identity, and the opportunities that exist to use the LEI as a part […]

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News Item

Entity Identification Challenges in Financial Services – New Research by GLEIF

Collaborative research between GLEIF and the research agency Loudhouse has identified a number of key challenges with legal entity identification in the financial sector. The research surveyed over 100 senior salespeople in the banking sectors of the UK, US and Germany. One of the key findings was that almost six in ten (57%) respondents spend […]

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News Item

Streamlined Entity Verification by GLEIF and SWIFT

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) has published its first monthly relationship file matching a Business Identifier Code (BIC) assigned to an organisation against its LEI. This model, jointly undertaken by GLEIF and SWIFT is set to significantly streamline entity verification processes and reduce data management costs.

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News Item

Who is Who by GLEIF

As of November 1st, 2017, the ‘Level 1 LEI-CDF Version 2.1 Concatenated File’ is now the authoritative source for business identification Level 1 data. Level 1 data refers to business card LEI reference information designed to identify ‘who is who’, including the name of the legal entity in question and its registered address. The GLEIF […]

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News Item

LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee Launch a Public Consultation on Funds Relationships in the Global LEI System

Building on work carried out earlier in the year in which “who owns whom” information (child to parent relationship links) started to be collected, the GLEIF’s oversight Board, the ROC, now seeks to incorporate more complex relationship data within the Funds Management industry. The main aim of the report is to move beyond reporting singular ‘fund family’ […]

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News Item

GLEIF: A New API Launched for the LEI

Users can now directly access the complete LEI data pool in real-time following the launch of a new API.

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