FASB changes direction on goodwill
The US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has unanimously agreed to scrap a four-year project revising how companies account for goodwill, dropping it from FASB’s technical agenda.
The US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has unanimously agreed to scrap a four-year project revising how companies account for goodwill, dropping it from FASB’s technical agenda.
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) recently published a discussion paper setting out their preliminary views on the goodwill impairment debate. The IASB (and FASB) have been looking at alternatives to the existing accounting rules that assess goodwill through annual evaluations, and are considering moving to an approach where a set amount of goodwill is written down […]
A new CFA Institute comment letter demonstrates the value of using structured data to inform debate and underpin policy decisions.
We are in an era characterised by the explosive growth of new economies. New, rapidly expanding industries on the cutting edge of technology are increasingly the driving force of economic growth. Think Amazon, Apple, Tencent, Alphabet, Alibaba and Samsung. But how can the value of new economies best be recorded within financial statements? And should […]
More news on accounting for goodwill this week as the US’s Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) announced it will be hosting a public roundtable discussion to gather views on its recent Invitation to Comment (ITC) on Identifiable Intangible Assets and Subsequent Accounting for Goodwill. The roundtable will be held on 15 November 2019 and give […]
Want to know more about the key issues surrounding goodwill impairment currently being weighed up by standard setters? Calcbench and Valuation Research Corporation (VRC) have recently collaborated on a video taking a deep dive into this important topic. Goodwill is an accounting value recorded when a company acquires another company, measuring the value of intangible […]