
Items tagged with "IGTF"

XBRL or iXBRL? Make the right choice!

XBRL and Inline XBRL (iXBRL) are two different formats for structured, electronic business reports. These formats solve different business problems and reflect the broad range of reporting requirements that can benefit from the use of structured XBRL data. XBRL or iXBRL?  This is one of the key decisions that data collectors need to make when […]

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What are the essential features of an XBRL data collection platform?

The Implementation Guidance Task Force (IGTF) working under XBRL International’s Best Practice Board is addressing this question next and is seeking volunteers to join the task force to help. The task force will be producing guidance on the key functions of an XBRL-capable data collection platform, covering features such as the submission gateway, authentication, validation processes, XBRL […]

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Guidance Corner: Presenting XBRL data in tabular format

The presentation of XBRL data in tabular form and templates helps people understand the reporting requirements, and therefore the data, in a closed reporting environment. XBRL’s Table Linkbase Specification makes it possible for taxonomy authors to define the presentation of data in a format that is familiar to business users. The “Table Linkbase” is a terrible name […]

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Implementing business rules? Assess alternatives

One of the key outcomes expected from a digital reporting program is enhanced data quality. Business rules are key to ensuring that the data collected meets expected quality levels.  XBRL provides a number of ways in which business rules can be implemented. The Best Practices Board’s Implementation Guidance Task Force has published guidance on assessing different alternatives to […]

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How to publish a Taxonomy? What are Taxonomy Packages?

Taxonomy is at the heart of an XBRL program, publishing taxonomies for stakeholder consumption needs to be given a careful thought. Guidance note now is available for taxonomy owners. The Best Practices Board’s Implementation Guidance Task Force have come-up with guidance for the right way of publishing a taxonomy and business-friendly explanation of Taxonomy Packages […]

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