
Items tagged with "Innovation"

SEBI Chair Madhabi Puri Buch champions standardisation to drive fintech innovation

SEBI Chair Madhabi Puri Buch champions standardisation to drive fintech innovation

In a great speech at the Global Fintech Fest, Chair Madhabi Puri Buch of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) highlighted the transformative impact of standardisation (and XBRL) in the financial sector. She advocated for these measures as critical tools to lower overall costs and reduce the barriers to innovation for fintech companies.

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Standardisation or innovation – can’t we have both?

“Why is there such hesitation regarding standardisation, and why are people afraid that it will put a dampener on innovation?” asks Björn Fastabend. He argues that standardisation, such as in the introduction of XBRL for digital reporting, can in fact nurture and facilitate innovation.

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Standardisation or innovation – can’t we have both?

This is a guest opinion piece from Björn Fastabend. Björn is head of the XBRL collection and processing unit at BaFin, Germany’s Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, where he supervises all related activities and propagates international relations and initiatives. He also brings us his wealth of experience in implementing digital reporting as Chair of XBRL International’s […]

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Appetite for Regulatory Innovation grows in the face of Covid-19

Amid the chaos that Covid-19 has wrought on the financial sector, it has also created an urgency to prioritise and deploy regulatory innovation and fintech initiatives.

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Digitisation and Data-use Accelerated

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a difficult year, with all sectors facing unprecedented challenges. However, in slim silver-linings news, the stay-at-home orders have accelerated an already-underway pivot to digital across the board. In fact, the need for rapid, high-quality data while tracking the effects of the pandemic has also highlighted just how crucial digital, structured, machine-readable […]

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Are Central Banks Innovators? 

A recent speech by Benoît Cœuré, Head of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, at the World FinTech Festival, outlined the role central banks have to play in innovation.

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IMF Warn of Financial Innovation Risks

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) have added their voice to those highlighting the unique challenge big tech and fintech pose to financial stability at the opening of the G20 Seminar on “Our Future in the Digital Age” in Japan last week. Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, voiced concerns that, if not managed with balance, […]

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IMF Call for Balance for Fintech Regulation

How best to balance the opportunities and threats presented by fast-growing Fintech? The IMF’s First Deputy Managing Director, David Lipton, called for a multilateral, international approach at the 2nd IMF Fintech Roundtable this week. Fintech has seen world-wide changes, with reduced costs and transaction times and boosts to growth and living standards – however, it […]

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News Item

Deutsche Bank: Thoughts on the Future of Financial Technology.

A Deutsche Bank white paper published this month recognises the importance of regulators in driving innovation and the uptake of new technology in finance.

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E-Government and the XBRL Standard

Strong, consistent semantics, data provenance and standardisation are, almost universally, poorly thought out inside large organisations. This makes the business of government harder than it should be. The XBRL standard can assist with many aspects of these problems.

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