IASB amends IFRS 17
This week the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued amendments to IFRS 17 (insurance contracts).
This week the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued amendments to IFRS 17 (insurance contracts).
Earlier this year the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) held a consultation in advance of their review of technical implementation methods for Solvency II supervisory reporting and public disclosure. Insurance Europe and the CFO Forum have submitted a joint response to the consultation outlining, in the large part, support for the proposals. In […]
What do the coronavirus pandemic and climate breakdown have in common? They both present a huge threat to global financial stability, stemming from massive global negative externalities rooted in ecological change. They both entail dramatic economic, financial and social damage. And, despite continued warning of their certainty from scientists, we have failed to systematically consider […]
This week the SEC adopted rule 498A under the Securities Act, aiming to help investors make informed decisions on variable annuity and life insurance contracts. Amongst other measures, the adopted rule requires the use of Inline XBRL for certain disclosures in the variable contract statutory prospectus. The SEC has published a draft Variable Insurance Product […]
The Bank of England and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) are seeking comment on plans to publish quarterly, aggregated data on the UK Insurance market. Recognising the value of the breadth and depth of data contained in the regular structured disclosures required by Solvency II, the PRA hope to improve analysis and insight in the insurance […]
It’s already clear that climate change will present real financial risks to insurers over the coming decades – but how should the sector respond? A cross industry working group set up by the UK’s PRA has published a framework for the general insurance sector to guide them through assessing the financial impacts of climate change. […]
Data Amplified 2018 saw presentations demonstrating how entrepreneurs and reporting ecosystems are starting to use blockchain technology in reporting.
Dennis Knochenwefel, founder of Reportix, demonstrated the use of Inline XBRL and Blockchain to automate and enhance insurance contract management with “smart contracts” embedded into the system.
This week the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a rule proposal on “Updated Disclosure Requirements and Summary Prospectus for Variable Annuity and Variable Life Insurance Contracts” that would require the use of Inline XBRL. The proposed amendments are intended to “harness technology to allow investors, data aggregators, financial analysts, Commission staff, and other data […]
The Prudential Regulation Authority of the Bank of England is consulting through to early June on a format change for a number of insurance reporting submissions in order to align its Solvency II Quantitative Reporting Templates with a range of EIOPA data requirements. The UK’s regulatory authorities continue to work towards the standardisation of supervisory […]
Data Amplified is your opportunity to get an inside look at how XBRL is being used around the world to meet goals both tactical and strategic – illustrated with case studies presented by both solution providers and regulators.