
Items tagged with "ITS"

News Item

EBA updates validation rules

Earlier this month the European Banking Authority (EBA) issued a revised list of validation rules in its Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting.

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EBA updates ITS validation rules

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released a revised list of validation rules in its Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting.

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EBA consults on ITS for Basel III operational risk reforms

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched a public consultation on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) in support of updated Pillar 3 disclosures and supervisory reporting requirements for operational risk.

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EBA launches consultation on new framework for Operational Risk Business Indicator

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched a public consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) and Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) designed to clarify the composition of the new business indicator integral to the operational risk capital requirements calculation.

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Are you ready for DORA? 

ICT providers and a wide range of service providers in the financial space are racing to work out whether their operations are impacted by new EU rules and if so, how. The definitions are fairly broad, so if your organisation has not already looked into DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act, now might be the right time.

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News Item

ESAs seek input on ESAP technical standards

Seamless EU-wide business data access is a step closer with this week’s publication of the European Single Access Point (ESAP) draft implementing technical standards (ITS). ESAP aims to provide easy access to publicly available data relevant to financial services, capital markets, and sustainability.

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News Item

EBA embraces the ‘daisy chain’ framework with ITS for MREL and TLAC

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released its final draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) supporting amendments to disclosure and reporting requirements for the Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL) and the Total Loss Absorbency Requirement (TLAC).

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News Item

EBA publishes final amending ITS on supervisory disclosures under CRD

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released its final draft of amending Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory disclosures. These standards define the format, structure, contents list, and annual publication date for the disclosure of supervisory information by competent authorities.

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EBA releases final draft technical standards for benchmarking exercise in 2024

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its final draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) for the benchmarking exercise in 2024.

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EBA releases revised list of validation rules

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its regular updated list of validation rules for its reporting standards, as encapsulated in its Technical Standards and Guidelines.

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