
Items tagged with "iXBRL"

News Item

EU to mandate iXBRL for crypto

Europe will be the first jurisdiction in the world to require that crypto “white papers” – the specialised prospectus documents used by crypto asset issuers – must be prepared in Inline XBRL, ensuring that these pitch documents can be rapidly and effectively assessed.

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Advancing financial reporting with iXBRL: A game-changer for companies

In a recent article by Martin DeVille, the evolution of digital financial reporting through the adoption of iXBRL takes center stage. The piece sheds light on how major European companies, numbering around 50,000, are embracing iXBRL as the standard format for their financial reporting needs.

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News Item

SEC adopts final rule: iXBRL tagging for SPAC disclosures

Aiming to bolster investor protections in Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced the adoption of the final rule for SPACs, Shell Companies, and Projections. The rule mandates Inline XBRL tagging for information in Subpart 1600 of Regulation S-K.

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News Item

SEC publishes security-based swap execution rule requiring iXBRL

Earlier this month the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published its final rule on Security-Based Swap Execution and Registration of Security-Based Swap Execution Facilities (SBSEF). This comprehensive rule addresses the registration and regulation of SBSEFs, shedding light on critical issues in the world of security-based swaps.

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ESMA looks to expand Inline XBRL mandates?

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has just unveiled its second consultation regarding the regulation of markets in crypto-assets (MiCA). Since MiCA came into force this June, ESMA has been empowered to establish technical standards and guidelines for specific MiCA provisions.

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SEC amends Fund Names Rule, including Inline XBRL tagging

What’s in a name? The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is adopting amendments, including introducing Inline XBRL tagging, to the Fund Names Rule (rule 35d-1). The aim is to reduce the risk of investment companies misleading investors with misnomers not aligned with the actual investments held.

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What have we learned from the widespread implementation of mandatory digital reporting? 

Numerous countries use Inline XBRL as the gold standard for IFRS-based financial reporting. In particular, in Europe we now have two years of experience of the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) – and some interesting insights from that are discussed above.

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Draft 2023 Open-End Fund (OEF) taxonomy published

 Last year the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted welcome amendments that requires open-end funds (OEF) to prepare concise, visually engaging, iXBRL tagged annual and semi-annual reports for investors and shareholders. This week, the SEC took an important step towards the implementation of that rule with the publication of a draft taxonomy.

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SEC Commissioners Unanimous: More Digital Please

This week the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) held an open meeting to discuss amendments that introduce electronic filing and structured data for the remaining forms required under the Exchange Act that are still submitted in paper format.

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XBRL formats: which one to choose?

This week XBRL International published new best practice guidance to help XBRL users select the most appropriate of the four formats to fit their needs. The guidance is aimed at data collectors, solution architects, and anyone looking to understand the differences between the XBRL formats.

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