
Items tagged with "Municipal"

XBRL US Release CAFR Taxonomy for Municipal Reporting

Last week we reported that California have voted to test machine-readable reporting, passing Bill 598, which calls for a commission to build a test taxonomy and make recommendations on moving local reporting to a machine-readable format. The task of developing a test taxonomy will be greatly simplified by the work of the XBRL US State and […]

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California Vote for State-level XBRL

In a significant step forward for municipal reporting standards this week the California Assembly passed a bill that will set the state on the path to machine-readable reporting.

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California Moves Towards State Level XBRL

California could be on their way to join Florida in leading America’s state and local government towards transparent, easily accessed financial statements. The Open Financial Statement’s Act, SB 598, which has passed in the Senate and is soon to go to Senate Assembly, is the latest in a long trail of small steps towards local […]

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Big Data for Better Government

In a series of articles on Forbes discussing the influence of technology on municipal governments and the municipal bond market Barnet Sherman has highlighted the positive effects of data analytics. Technology and data are driving a push for evidence-based policy in municipal governments. Big data analytics is being looked to for better planning and execution, […]

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