
Items tagged with "NBFI"

FSB to focus on implementation.

FSB to focus on implementation. 

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is turning its attention to the next phase of financial reform: ensuring that policies are not just designed but effectively implemented.

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RBI brings non-bank sector into alignment

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the country’s central bank and banking regulator, has released a series of circulars introducing new regulatory and disclosure rules for non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), bringing them into closer alignment with banks.

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FSB writes to G20 on priorities ahead

Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chair Randal K. Quarles wrote this week to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, ahead of their meeting on 13 October.

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Stability concerns to watch in Non-Bank Financial Intermediation

Could the next financial crisis come from the non-bank sector? The structure of finance is changing, and with vast and increasing amounts of financial intermediation being done by entities other than banks, often less tightly regulated, this is an important area for monitoring, and disclosure efforts as well as potential regulation. The Financial Stability Board […]

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