Third Round of DQC Rules Released.
XBRL US’s DQC Committee Releases New Tranche of Machine Executable Rules.
XBRL US’s DQC Committee Releases New Tranche of Machine Executable Rules.
A very interesting report from FINRA was released on Wednesday, identifying areas that need to be considered by Securities Industry participants that are exploring the use of DLT, or Distributed Ledger Technology, to replace traditional centralised infrastructure. The paper concentrates on clearing and settlement and asks a series of questions about aspects of the ongoing […]
Delegates at the International Standards of Accounting and Reporting workshop as part of the UNCTAD World Investment Forum were briefed on the benefits of XBRL in Geneva this week.The program highlighted how to address challenges in corporate reporting, social responsibility, environment protection, and corporate governance. XII Best Practices Chair Ian Hicks offered his perspective on how XBRL supports […]
An Interagency Task Force meeting was held at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to outline strategies for direct paperless information exchange, IFRS and the introduction of XBRL.
Irish Tax and Customs announced the launch of Phase Two of its iXBRL mandate for Corporate Tax filings. Phase Two moves beyond “Large Case” filers and covers Corporation Tax returns submitted on or after 1st Oct 2014 for accounting periods ending on or after 31st Dec 2013. The mandate still excludes companies where assets do not exceed €4.4 […]