
Items tagged with "Reporting"

US Financial Transparency Act reintroduced to Congress

In May 2021, the Financial Transparency Act (FTA) was reintroduced to the 117th United States Congress. This bill, if passed, would direct all eight major US financial regulatory agencies to implement consistent data standards for the information they collect from filers under existing securities, commodities and banking laws.

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ESEF Errors and Common Pitfalls: 4 – Report Package Errors

This is part of a series on common errors and pitfalls in ESEF filings, observed in our analysis of hundreds of reports collected in our repository, at filings.xbrl.org. For the series introduction, start here. An ESEF report is made up of multiple files which must be submitted in a specially formatted ZIP file, known as […]

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ESEF Errors and Common Pitfalls: 3 – Calculation Inconsistency

This is part of a series on common errors and pitfalls in ESEF filings, observed in our analysis of hundreds of reports collected in our repository, at filings.xbrl.org. For the series introduction, start here. An XBRL taxonomy can define a calculation tree for describing and validating simple totals and subtotals in an XBRL Report. For […]

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More on ESEF errors: inconsistent duplicates

Tagging the same fact reported multiple times in different sections of an XBRL report leads to duplicate facts, which can be useful – but what if the values don’t match? Revathy Ramanan tackles the issue of inconsistent duplicates and what to do about them in the second post in her series on common errors and pitfalls in […]

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IASB proposals on management commentary reflect broader approach to reporting

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published a proposed comprehensive framework for the preparation of management commentaries. The new framework is intended to reflect changes and innovations in the corporate reporting landscape, and better meet the information needs of today’s investors.

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China proposes new ESG disclosure rules

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) is consulting on revised disclosure rules for publicly listed companies, including new environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements.

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News Item

Feedback wanted on UK readiness for ESEF

Is the UK ready to implement the Inline XBRL-based European Single Electronic Format (ESEF)? What has the experience of filers been like so far, and what further support is needed? If you have thoughts, the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) wants to hear them!

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ESEF Errors and Common Pitfalls: 2 – Inconsistent Duplicates

This is part of a series on common errors and pitfalls in ESEF filings, observed in our analysis of hundreds of reports collected in our repository, at filings.xbrl.org. For the series introduction, start here. Often the same fact is reported multiple times in different sections of a report. Tagging all the occurrences of a fact […]

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XBRL International launches filings.xbrl.org for ESEF filings

What does an ESEF report look like, and how can you browse and compare them? What are the advantages of using Inline XBRL? What are the common errors to avoid?

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Avoid ESEF pitfalls with our new series!

Accompanying the launch of filings.xbrl.org, we bring you a new blog series from Revathy Ramanan, XBRL International’s Guidance Manager, on ‘ESEF Errors and Common Pitfalls.’ She has analysed many of the filings we have gathered – and the validation errors and warnings they generate – to start to understand where and how problems are occurring.

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