
Items tagged with "Reporting"

Greater granularity for Australian pensions data: phase one complete

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released a response paper and final reporting standards for Phase 1 of its multi-year Superannuation Data Transformation (SDT), superannuation being Australia’s term for compulsory employee pensions.

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UK government proposes major reporting, audit and governance overhaul

The UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has published its long-awaited white paper on wide-ranging reforms to the country’s corporate reporting, audit and governance regime, and launched a consultation on the proposals.

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Europe goes electronic: ESEF today, ESG tomorrow?

The latest Eurofiling event, themed ‘ESEF today, ESG tomorrow,’ shared experiences of the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) and looked ahead to the future of reporting in Europe: digital, comparable and wide in scope.

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PwC reflections on early ESEF filings

Looking for an early take on what lessons have been learnt so far from the first reports using the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF)?

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Advocating structured data for ESAP

XBRL International has submitted its response to the European Commission consultation on the establishment of a European Single Access Point (ESAP) for all reporting data. We argue that ESAP should be the primary source of information disclosed to markets in Europe, driven by XBRL for maximum utility.

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Wes Bricker on why ESG lies in finance’s wheelhouse

Finance leaders are facing new demands for environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure, but why should finance departments be responsible for ESG data at all? Wes Bricker has insights in his piece in FEI Daily, ‘Finance Leaders Own ESG Reporting. Here’s Why That’s A Good Thing.’

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EBA releases XBRL taxonomies for framework v3.0

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published phase 2 of its reporting framework v3.0.

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SEC invites input on climate disclosure rules

Continuing its recent focus on climate, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking comments from the public on its climate change disclosure rules and related guidance, and whether and how they should be modified.

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Big in Japan? Reporting in English just got easier

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has launched a new web portal, JPX English Disclosure GATE, to promote better English disclosure from listed companies and increase investment opportunities for overseas investors.

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EY survey offers insights into future of reporting

EY has published the results of its ‘2020 EY Global Financial Accounting and Advisory Services (FAAS) corporate reporting survey,’ with a number of interesting insights into how the reporting landscape is changing. It is based on responses from more than 1,000 CFOs, financial controllers and other senior finance leaders.

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