
Items tagged with "Reporting"

Switzerland backs TCFD for Climate Transparency

On 12 January, Switzerland officially became a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), demonstrating the government’s support for greater disclosure of and transparency around climate-related financial risks.

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EBA corrects Reporting Framework Taxonomies

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published an erratum for the technical package on its reporting framework 3.0 phase 1.

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Australian overhaul resumes: it’s Goodbye D2A, Hello APRA Connect in 2021

It’s all systems go once more at the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), as it resumes overhauling its core financial data collection system following a nine-month pause. The new platform, APRA Connect, is now set to go live in September 2021.

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Municipal Reporting and more: They asked, XBRL US answered!

It’s been a busy week for our colleagues in the US. XBRL US has submitted a letter to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) planning exercise on Strategic Goals and Priorities, urging it to consider how data standards would enhance the current Electronic Data Municipal Markets Access (EMMA) data collection and dissemination process. XBRL US expressed […]

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More M&A: Certent, Inc. acquired by insightsoftware

On 7 January, insightsoftware, a global provider of enterprise software solutions for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, announced that it had acquired Certent, which provides software-as-a-service solutions for financial disclosure management and equity management.

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The End of Accounting or a Sustainable Beginning?

Investors need high-quality, comparable environmental data that captures intangibles and is aligned with financial reporting. That’s the conclusion of Christian Dreyer, a leading analyst and independent investor and until recently the CEO of CFA Society Switzerland.

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Improved oversight with new XBRL-based reporting requirement for Colombia

In December, Colombia’s Superintendency of Residential Public Services (Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios, or Superservicios) launched a new quarterly reporting requirement for Special Financial Information (Información Financiera Especial, IFE), based on a newly published XBRL taxonomy.

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Will new Resource Extraction Payment Disclosures be useful?

In December 2020, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new rules on resource extraction payment disclosure, which require XBRL-based reporting for the first time. The rules require public companies involved in extractive industries to report annually on payments made both to the US Federal government and to foreign governments for the purpose of […]

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EBA updates Reporting Framework and Pillar 3 ITS

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has updated its reporting framework v3.0, and its Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on institutions’ Pillar 3 public disclosures. These changes are driven by the European Commission’s adoption of the ITS on supervisory reporting (v3.0), which includes changes introduced by the revised Capital Requirements Regulations (CRR2) and the Prudential Backstop Regulation.

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UK PRA guidelines on third-country branch reporting updated

The UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has issued an updated version of its ‘Guidelines for completing regulatory reports’, taking effect from 29 December 2020. Its supervisory statement now includes a new chapter on third-country branch reporting.

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