
Items tagged with "Reporting"

Regulation Post-Pandemic

This year has seen huge changes – from regulatory extensions and shifting deadlines to a wholesale shift in the way we work, Covid-19 has caused serious disruption. But what will regulation look like as the dust settles?

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Momentum for Non-Financial Standards builds

Climate change poses complex risks for financial systems that regulators don’t yet fully understand. In order to properly assess how physical risks and transition risks will interact with each other and other economic vulnerabilities, we need good quality, standardised non-financial data. 

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EFRAG appoints ESG Standards Task Force

Having established a task force, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is poised to proceed with the development of non-financial reporting standards, which, if implemented, would increase comparability, relevance and reliability of non-financial information.

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Why should Municipalities adopt XBRL? 

Rachel Carpenter, CEO of Intrinio, recently highlighted the many benefits proper XBRL filing implementation would offer US municipalities.

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Singapore makes SME Reporting a breeze

Smaller companies in Singapore are looking at a 90% reduction in time spent filing returns thanks to a new software partnership that aims to automate filing for companies with simple financials.

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Fiscal transparency for financial aid? 

Should the federal funds being used to boost US state and local budgets after a steep Covid-19-induced decline be dependent on better transparency?

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EBA surveys Compliance Costs

While the data gleaned from regular, structured reporting is widely known to be a critical part of effective regulation, those requirements regularly come across one stumbling block: complaints about cost.

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Time for Real-Time Financial Reporting?

In Montreal, a financial planner can set a trigger to distribute a financial report the moment their budget is exceeded. In New Hampshire, accountants can easily look at the number, type and relationship between a taxpayer’s bills, all in a single portal. And in LA, a self-service data analytics tool allows users to create the […]

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IFAC calls for Non-Financial Reporting Standards

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has called on G20 leaders to strengthen commitments to transparent non-financial reporting in their long-term recovery from Covid-19.

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Second Phase for SEC iXBRL Reporting begins

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently stepped up its phased approach to introducing Inline XBRL (iXBRL) tagging requirements.

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