
Items tagged with "Reporting"

FASB issues Covid-19 Q&A for US GAAP Taxonomy

Regulators the world over are concerned that public companies provide as much transparency as possible about the impact of the pandemic on their operations. For example ESMA, the SEC, Japan’s JFSA, Brazil’s CVM, and IOSCO itself have recently provided advisories in this area.

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One small step for Europe as GLEIF and ESMA publish example ESEF report

Leading by example, this week the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) published its annual report in Inline XBRL format. But GLEIF went further than that. The report has also been published on the ESMA website as an example ESEF report. The report conforms to the requirements set out in the ESEF Regulation and the guidance in […]

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News Item

ICAEW explores future of UK Audit in internal controls paper

In December 2019, Sir Donald Brydon recommended improvements to the Internal Controls over Financial Reporting (ICFR) as part of a reform agenda in UK audit. More effective ICFR could provide management and users of financial statements with better quality information and facilitate better decision-making. A new ICAEW report explores the scope of a future UK […]

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Insurers respond to EIOPA consultation on Disclosure Requirements

Earlier this year the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) held a consultation in advance of their review of technical implementation methods for Solvency II supervisory reporting and public disclosure. Insurance Europe and the CFO Forum have submitted a joint response to the consultation outlining, in the large part, support for the proposals. In […]

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World Bank: Credit Data Key In a Crisis

This week a World Bank Group cautions against making Covid-19 related regulatory allowances that reduce the utility of essential credit-related data. Disruptions in supply chains and reductions in demand have had a huge impact on profitability during the pandemic. In order to avert a credit freeze, regulators worldwide have introduced unprecedented financial measures – from […]

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IMF advocates for mandatory Climate Risk Disclosure

Floods, hurricanes and wildfires have an undeniable impact on the countries and economies devastated by them – but are the risks of these increasingly common climate-related disasters being properly considered by investors? A recent International Monetary Fund report argues that investors and equity markets have been ignoring the growing risk of financial losses associated with […]

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Green Reporting Headed Digital?

In opening remarks at the Eurofiling ESEF Digital Day yesterday, the European Commission’s Alain Deckers described the work going into the review of Europe’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive (or NFRD) which governs disclosure of ESG reporting. The key issue? The need for a single set of high quality standards. An ongoing issue that is receiving attention […]

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ESMA urges transparency on Covid-19 financial effects

With Covid-19 creating significant uncertainty amongst businesses and the economic and financial system, the need for strong transparency and clear communication has only increased. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has underlined the importance of transparency and consistency with reporting requirements when disclosing the financial effects of Covid-19 in half-yearly financial reports. Where necessary, […]

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News Item

Corporate Reporting and Coronavirus

The third in a series on the Coronavirus and corporate reporting, Accountancy Europe has released a podcast looking at how to report in accordance with the IFRS standards during this irregular period – focusing on how to use the flexibility of IFRS 9 – and the various accommodations that have been made for companies and […]

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SEC updates Test Suite

Of relevance to software vendors working with US filings, this week the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) updated its interactive data test suite in order to help software vendors to produce filings that conform to the rules set out in the Edgar Filing Manual. The test suite is a way of expressing those rules in […]

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