
Items tagged with "SEC"

US SEC iXBRL Data now Available

The SEC has accepted its first iXBRL filing. Follow the link to the SEC’s iXBRL viewer.

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More on the SEC’s Inline XBRL Announcement

We highly recommend that you spend a few minutes having a look at the SEC’s new iXBRL Viewer, which provides a “head up display” for the data and data definitions associated with individual disclosures. This “looks like paper, acts like structured data” presentation is easy, intuitive and extremely powerful.

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Briefing Note: SEC moves to accept Inline XBRL

The US SEC has announced a voluntary program allowing firms it regulates to use Inline XBRL (or “iXBRL”). This is another very welcome step forward in enhancing transparency and accountability in reporting.

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A Disclosure Revolution

Our thoughts on remarks by SEC Commissionor Kara Stein on efforts to “breathe new life into the critical matchmaking process between companies and investors”.

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US SEC Examining Regulation S-K

The SEC recently issued a “concept release” seeking public comment on business and financial disclosure requirements in Regulation S-K. This is the regulation, first instituted in 1933, that lays out reporting requirements for quarterly, annual, and other various SEC filings used by public companies in the United States.

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SEC Commissioner on iXBRL

SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar called on the SEC to “move promptly to modify EDGAR to permit inline XBRL and commence a voluntary pilot program to obtain more information about the costs and benefits of an inline XBRL system”.

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News Item

SEC Seeks Comment on Rule S-X

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking public comment on Regulation S-X.

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SEC Commissioner Stein talks iXBRL in the UK

SEC Commissioner Kara M. Stein spoke recently of the importance of structured data and the SEC’s anticipated implementation of Inline XBRL.

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News Item

SEC Proposes Additional Rules on Executive Compensation

The SEC is proposing a rule requiring listed companies to report – in XBRL – when they require executive officers to pay back incentive-based compensation that they were awarded in error. These repayments, known as a “claw back” will come about In the event of a financial restatement. Executives will need to repay variable compensation previously paid […]

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*UPDATED* SEC Wants Pay and Performance Data Linked with XBRL

The US Securities and Exchange Commission continues to seek to leverage interactive data for greater transparency. This week the body proposed rules to require companies to disclose the relationship between executive compensation and the financial performance of a company using XBRL. The goal is to provide greater transparency and allow shareholders to be better informed […]

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