
Items tagged with "Software"

New XBRL Certified Software™

We’re delighted to announce that a number of software products have met the stringent criteria required to gain XBRL Certified Software status. Congratulations to Reportix, ABZ Reporting and Workiva respectively on the certification of the following products: CellStore by Reportix, a drop-in database solution for XBRL and iXBRL which helps you take control of your data management, […]

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More XBRL Certified Software

We’re pleased to announce that another software product has gained XBRL Certified Software status: firesys toolsxbrl has met the stringent technical criteria that ensure the interoperability of XBRL Certified Software products. Details of all certified software can be found on our certification portal.  Vendors of software holding a current certification are entitled to use the certified […]

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New Software Rapidly Emerging

The use of Inline XBRL in Europe for public company IFRS Annual Financial Reports is just around the corner. We’ve seen a remarkable uptick in the capabilities of software and services that can produce Inline XBRL reports with the high level of design fidelity that preparers are accustomed to with PDF and paper-based reports. We […]

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