
Items tagged with "TAGTF"

Taxonomies as building blocks: Connecting, constructing, comparing

“By thinking of taxonomies as modular ‘building blocks’, it is easier to design and maintain these sometimes complex products.”

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Taxonomy building blocks

This post is by Erwin Kaats, XBRL expert at Logius, on behalf of the Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force (TAGTF). This group is made up of taxonomy experts who work to define best practice and produce reliable and high-quality XBRL International guidance to improve the comparability of data by increasing the consistency of taxonomies around […]

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Reusing taxonomies? Guidance now available

“Reusing an existing taxonomy” – does that make you think of software developers simply using preexisting functions from libraries? Think again! In fact, there is much more to it than recycling code.

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Plenty of New Guidance Published

XBRL International’s various task forces have been hard at work across 2020 to bring us new guidance materials that help point users of XBRL in the right direction.

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Publishing a Taxonomy? New Guidance is available

When a taxonomy is published it generally comes with supporting documents that help the taxonomy’s implementation – but what exactly should be published alongside a taxonomy? New draft guidance published this week indicates best practice in basic supporting documentation. 

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Updated Guidance: Taxonomy Publication and Packages

Taxonomies are at the heart of any XBRL implementation and are used by a wide range of stakeholders such as preparers, software vendors, collectors, and consumers. Taxonomies need to be easily accessible, and XBRL International publishes guidance that provides best practice recommendation recommendations for publishing XBRL taxonomies.

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Want to get involved with TAGTF? Now’s the time

The Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force (TAGTF) are a group of taxonomy experts who work to produce reliable and high-quality XBRL International guidance to save taxonomy authors time and ensure consistency with other taxonomies. If you would like to help define international best practice in XBRL taxonomies and be recognised for your expertise, then the […]

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TAGTF: Get Involved.

Want to get involved with the Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force (TAGTF)? The TAGTF will be holding their next face-to-face meeting at the Eurofiling event in Frankfurt in June, the perfect opportunity for newcomers to observe the group in action. During the meeting the group will be planning guidance for their latest topic, “How to indicate that […]

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Taxonomy Architecture Taskforce: Call for Participation

Given a taxonomy, how do I specify which items are mandatory in a report? The XBRL International Best Practices Board seeks XII participants to contribute to the Taxonomy Architecture Guidance Task Force (TAGTF). The taskforce is moving on to look at a new topics and would like to solicit contributions from interested parties. The Task force welcomes members […]

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Need to Model Multiple Entities in a Taxonomy? Guidance now available.

Designing reports that reference a number of organisations can be be challenging. Help is to hand for XBRL taxonomy authors in a new Guidance Note.

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