
Items tagged with "UK"

Tests Set the Stage for Open Banking in the UK

Do you use a bank website or app? Does it meet your needs and expectations? Is it easy to use? Does it combine data from multiple sources in order to provide you with valuable insights about your personal or business finances? Thought not. That’s the insight that has given rise to the Open Banking initiative […]

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Artificial Intelligence – FRC’s Call for Participation

The UK’s Financial Reporting Council Lab has sent out a call for those working on the potential uses of Artificial Intelligence for the production and consumption of corporate reporting to participate in the next phase of the Digital Future project. The Lab’s innovative Digital Future project is an initiative to investigate the impact of technology […]

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BoE Accelerates XBRL Data Analytics

Using a big data approach to drive analytics of large quantities of XBRL data, with necessary data structuring, aggregation, ordering and filtering controlled directly from the XBRL taxonomy (the business-led data definitions) has been something of a holy grail for regulators and other large scale users of the standard for many years.

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Trade Finance backed by XBRL Analytics?

UK Companies House XBRL Data is central to the business model of a new startup. Populous claims to be an invoice factoring and trade finance platform being built using the latest in blockchain technology. Using free financial statement data available in XBRL format for UK companies, the young team seeks to pool financing via an ether-based […]

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Banking Taxonomy for Review

The team at Threadneedle street are busy. Hot on the heels of the Capital+ taxonomy, arrives a new draft taxonomy for comment. This is a set of PRA requirements for bank Financial Statements. Once again, the Bank of England has chosen to align its reporting requirements – and taxonomy –  with the EBA framework, taking […]

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New Bank of England Rules Finalised

The Bank of England has finalised the Capital+ taxonomy that will govern capital forecasts for regulated deposit takers from 1 October.

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News Item

Bank of England Seeks Public Comment

The Bank of England has published a public working draft (PWD) of its Banking XBRL Taxonomy (v0.9.1). Comment deadline is 16 January.

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Proposed 2017 Ireland Financial Reporting Taxonomy Released

Interested parties are invited to review modelling applied to the financial reporting requirements for the Republic of Ireland under FRS101, FSR102 and IFRS.

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Bank of England Engages Private Sector with FinTech Accelerator

The Bank of England’s FinTech Accelerator program engages with FinTech firms to develop new solutions, based on blockchain and other innovative technologies, for the BoE to use in its role as the UK’s central bank.

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Does Brexit impact XBRL International?

UK based XII staff, like the rest of the world, woke up to a shock last Friday. The ongoing market and currency turmoil, as well as the sheer complexity of the upcoming negotiations and political, legal and economic changes will have an ongoing impact on Europe and, umm, the formerly “United” Kingdom for some time. […]

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