
Items tagged with "XBRL"

Updates from South Africa: XBRL for state-owned companies, plus new taxonomy and data quality framework

July 2021 saw the third anniversary of the implementation of Inline XBRL for financial reporting in South Africa.

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Using xBRL-CSV for granular data: a proof of concept from XBRL Europe

Demonstrating how the xBRL-CSV format can be used to handle granular data, streamline the reporting process and help users compare and analyse information.

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Updates at FERC: XBRL submissions, guidance, and historical data

Recent days have seen a number of important updates from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), as it implements its switch to XBRL-based reporting for energy utilities.

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Toppan Merrill: What is Inline XBRL?

Do you need a place to start on Inline XBRL, or iXBRL – or do you know someone who does? Toppan Merrill has put together an overview post addressing key questions on what the Inline XBRL format is all about.

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XBRL reporting for Italian Confidi

XBRL Italy reports “another small step forward” in the digitisation of corporate reporting in Italy. Credit guarantee consortia known as Confidi are an important part of the Italian financial landscape.

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xBRL-CSV and Granular Data: the AnaCredit example, a Proof of Concept from XBRL Europe

This is a guest post by Vincent Le Moal-Joubel, data scientist and XBRL expert at the Banque de France, based on his presentation at the 28th XBRL Europe Digital Week event on Bank & Insurance reporting, on 23 June 2021. He offers an important proof of concept on the use of xBRL-CSV for European reporting.  […]

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XBRL US case study: using Inline XBRL to turbocharge grants reporting and support the GREAT Act

Can digitisation significantly improve the processes of preparing, collecting, tracking and analysing data on government grants and how they are used?

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Introducing Report and Taxonomy Package Certification

The XBRL Software Certification programme has gained a new and valuable feature, with its expansion to provide certification of the Taxonomy Package and Report Package formats. From now on, not only do we confirm that software is able to correctly create and validate XBRL reports themselves according to the appropriate specifications, but also that these […]

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New tutorial: get to grips with elegant, easy-to-use xBRL-JSON now!

Hot off the virtual press here at XBRL International is our new tutorial on xBRL-JSON, complete with examples. If you are looking to understand the xBRL-JSON format, this an excellent place to start.

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