
Items tagged with "XBRL"

Will new Resource Extraction Payment Disclosures be useful?

In December 2020, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new rules on resource extraction payment disclosure, which require XBRL-based reporting for the first time. The rules require public companies involved in extractive industries to report annually on payments made both to the US Federal government and to foreign governments for the purpose of […]

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EBA updates Reporting Framework and Pillar 3 ITS

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has updated its reporting framework v3.0, and its Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on institutions’ Pillar 3 public disclosures. These changes are driven by the European Commission’s adoption of the ITS on supervisory reporting (v3.0), which includes changes introduced by the revised Capital Requirements Regulations (CRR2) and the Prudential Backstop Regulation.

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New XBRL Projects Appeared Worldwide

It’s been twenty years since XBRL first went public. Proven benefits, an active software ecosystem, significant modernisation and a growing network effect ensures that XBRL projects and implementations continue to accelerate in all corners of the globe. This year there were a number of new XBRL disclosure mandates in the Middle East, specifically in Qatar, Oman, and Jordan.

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Special Delivery

The XBRL Standards Board has approved an initial Public Working Draft of the Report Packages specification, along with an update to the requirements document.

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ING Bank Implements XBRL and Digital Signatures in new Real Estate Reporting

ING Bank in the Netherlands recently launched a new XBRL-based project designed to increase efficiency, trust and transparency in real estate valuation. Following the introduction of XBRL for real estate valuation reports, this new initiative includes the final piece in the puzzle: qualified, digital signatures.

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Bank of England to adopt XBRL for Statistical Submissions

The Bank of England (BoE) recently published a proposal to shift the submission of a range of statistical data into XBRL format.

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Indonesia Extends XBRL to Notes

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) has extended the scope of its XBRL taxonomy from primary financial statements to also cover Notes.

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Australia – Time to Digitise?

Countries as distinct and distant as South Africa, the US, China, Korea, Japan, UK and the EU have embraced the digital era of financial reporting for public companies – but not Australia. What’s keeping Australia from going down the digital path?

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The Future of Structured Data discussed at XBRL US Investor Forum

This week saw the XBRL US Investor Forum, packed with useful insights and enlightening talks on all things data.

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News Item

Quality Feedback Loop

At the XBRL US/CFA Institute Investor Forum held this week, newly installed XBRL International Chairman, Wes Bricker, gave a keynote address. It focussed on the use of SEC XBRL data, its strengths, weaknesses and next steps.

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