
Items tagged with "XII News"

New software certification

We are very pleased to announce that CellStore from Reportix has been newly certified as review and consumption software within the family of XBRL Certified Software products.

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What’s all this about the OIM?

We’ve been talking about the Open Information Model (OIM) in recent issues, with the release of a Candidate Recommendation set of specifications, moving inexorably towards final Recommendation status – and it will definitely be a big topic of conversation at our Data Amplified Virtual event.

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New unit definitions published to enable sustainability reporting

XBRL International has published an update to the Unit Type Registry, adding additional unit definitions to support the wide variety of disclosures required for sustainability reporting. In particular, the new units will enable reporting of energy usage and efficiency.

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New XBRL Formula functions advance to Candidate Recommendation status

The XBRL Standards Board has approved the promotion a number of new XBRL Formula functions to Candidate Recommendation status. The new functions are intended to support the planned adoption of xBRL-CSV by a number of regulators around the world.

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Pointing the way: Filing Indicator Taxonomy now available

The XBRL Standards Board has approved publication of the Filing Indicator Taxonomy at Recommendation status. Filing indicators are used in filing environments to act like a signpost, allowing reports to declare which reporting tables have been completed.

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New xBRL-CSV tutorial released

XBRL International has published a new tutorial showing how the new xBRL-CSV specification can be used to handle a variety of common reporting scenarios. The tutorial walks readers through the features of the specification, explaining how CSV tables can be used to efficiently represent reporting data, and is accompanied by a set of example xBRL-CSV reports.

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Candidate Recommendation release of OIM specifications

The XBRL Standards Board has approved a further Candidate Recommendation of the Open Information Model (OIM) suite of specifications. This latest release is expected to be the last prior to progressing to Proposed Recommendation status.

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New XBRL certified Report Creation Software

We’re very happy to announce that mms solutions’ report creation software tagging plus has joined the growing family of XBRL Certified Software products.

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Computers are Dumb!

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation consultation on sustainability standards drew to a close recently, with almost 500 responses filed. Among them was XBRL International’s response on behalf of the wider XBRL community.

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Special Delivery

The XBRL Standards Board has approved an initial Public Working Draft of the Report Packages specification, along with an update to the requirements document.

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