
Items tagged with "XII News"

New XBRL Certified Software from Semansys

We are delighted to announce that in 2021 two products from Semansys were recognised by our official certification programme as XBRL Certified Software.

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2021 saw new specifications launched: lift-off for xBRL-JSON and xBRL-CSV

This year we celebrated new ways to use the XBRL standard, with xBRL-JSON and xBRL-CSV reaching final recommendation status in October as part of our new suite of specifications. xBRL-CSV is ideally suited for collecting huge quantities of granular data, making it an exciting tool for today’s regulators, while xBRL-JSON is designed to simplify analysis and make XBRL data easy to use.

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Ongoing improvements to the XBRL standard

In addition to the new xBRL-CSV and xBRL-JSON specifications discussed above, this year has seen a number of ongoing and incremental improvements to the XBRL standard. Various new and updated draft specifications are available for experimentation, review and comment.

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New draft calculations specification available for review

The XBRL Standards Board has approved the publication of an initial Public Working Draft of the Calculations 1.1 specification and an accompanying requirements document.

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XBRL registry updates facilitate emissions reporting

The XBRL Standards Board has approved updates to both the Data Type Registry and the Unit Type Registry. This update contains new draft data types and units that provide support for reporting greenhouse gas emissions.

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New XBRL report creation software certified

We are very happy to announce that report creation software CFOUR Comply from Eunoia is the latest product to join the XBRL Certified Software family.

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Software vendors support new XBRL formats

Our regular readers will know all about xBRL-CSV and xBRL-JSON. They offer new ways to generate, analyse and share high-quality structured data using XBRL.

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Transformation Rules Registry update

The XBRL Standards Board has approved the publication of a new draft of the Transformation Rules Registry.

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New certified XBRL review and consumption software

We are very pleased to announce the latest product to be recognised by our official certification programme: review and consumption software EasyQC from EasyESEF.

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Win-win for ESEF reporting: cutting loading times for high-design Inline XBRL

Inline XBRL allows report issuers to combine the advantages of digital tagging with a high level of visual design, but these design elements have also caused performance issues in early ESEF reports. Some simple initial solutions are now available.

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