XBRL International is made up of member organizations from around the world. Membership can be obtained either through joining XII as a Direct Member or joining a local XBRL jurisdiction. Visit Join for more more information on becoming a member and getting involved!
Member | Jurisdiction | Country |
1STOPXBRL Limited | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
2H Soluciones Integrales en Tecnología de Información SAPI de CV | XII Direct Member | Mexico |
Aalto-yliopisto | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Aaro Systems AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
ABI | XBRL Italy | Italy |
ABZ Reporting GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Accept | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Accounting Research & Development Foundation | XII Direct Member | Taiwan |
ACRA | XII Direct Member | Republic of Singapore |
Acsone | XBRL Belgium | Luxembourg |
ADDACTIS Worldwide | XBRL France | France |
Addedo | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Adept Advisory | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Adhoc Synectic Systems | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Aditro Oy | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Advanced Computer Innovations | XBRL US | United States |
Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Aguilonius Consulting CVBA | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Aguilonius Netherlands BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
AIAF- Association of Italian Analysts & Financial Consulting | XBRL Italy | Italy |
AICPA | XII Sustaining Partner | United States |
AICPA | XBRL US | United States |
Alexander Forbes | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
AlphaCarina Software GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Altova (US) | XBRL US | United States |
Altova GmbH | XII Direct Member | Austria |
Alui Limited | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
AMANA Consulting GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
AMANA Consulting GmbH | XBRL Europe | Germany |
AMANA Consulting GmbH | XBRL France | France |
Amelkis Solutions | XBRL Europe | France |
Amelkis Solutions | XBRL France | France |
Amman Stock Exchange | XII Direct Member | Jordan |
ANDAF | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Anglogold Ashanti Limited | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
ANIA | XBRL Italy | Italy |
ANUBO XBRL GmbH & Co. KG | XII Direct Member | Germany |
App Trend Sp. z o. o. | XII Direct Member | Poland |
arcrole B.V. | XBRL Netherlands | |
Arkk Consulting Limited | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Asiakastieto | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Asoc. Española Contab. Admón Empresas (AECA) | XBRL Spain | Spain |
ASSIREVI | XBRL Italy | Italy |
ASSONIME | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Astlog Co., LTD | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Astroeye, Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Atos | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Attollo AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Autoriteit voor Financiële Diensten en Markten/Autorité des services et marchés financiers (FSMA) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
AXESOR | XBRL Spain | Spain |
AxiomSL | XBRL Europe | United Kingdom |
Banca d'Italia | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Banco de España | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Banco Sabadell | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Bank Al Maghrib (Central Bank of Morocco) | XBRL Europe | Morocco |
Bank of Israel | XII Direct Member | Israel |
Bank of Japan | XBRL Japan | Japan |
BANQUE DE FRANCE - Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel | XBRL France | France |
Baruch College, CUNY | XBRL US | United States |
Batavia XBRL Services BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Bayerisches Landesamt für Steuern | XBRL Germany | Germany |
BBVA | XBRL Spain | Spain |
BEC | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Belastingdienst | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Belgische Federatie van de Financiële sector/Fédération belge du secteur financier (Febelfin) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Bengt-Owe Palmgren (BOP) Företagsutveckling AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Bermuda Monetary Authority | XII Direct Member | Bermuda |
Bisnode Informatics Sweden AB/TA Teleadress Information AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Björn Lundén Information AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Blink Ace | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Bloomberg UK Limited | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
BMA | XBRL France | France |
Bolagsverket | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
BR-AG prosta spolka akcyjna | XII Direct Member | Poland |
Broadridge Financial Solutions | XBRL US | United States |
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Bundesanzeiger Verlag Gmbh | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Bundesanzeiger Verlag Gmbh | XBRL Europe | Germany |
Bundessteuerberaterkammer | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Calcbench | XBRL US | United States |
CaseWare Nederland | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
CBI | XBRL Italy | France |
CCH Tagetik | XBRL Italy | United States |
Cecabank | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Statistics Netherlands) | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
CERVED GROUP | XBRL Italy | Italy |
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) | XBRL China | China |
Clausion Oy | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Cleversoft | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
CNDCEC | XBRL Italy | Italy |
COFISEM | XBRL France | France |
Cognitive Quant LLC | XBRL US | United States |
Colegio Registradores de España | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Comarch Software Spain, S.L.U. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Comisión Nacional Mercado Valores (CNMV) | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Commission des Normes Comptables (CNC)/Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen (CBN) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes | XBRL France | France |
Companies And Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Companies Commission of Malaysia | XII Direct Member | Malaysia |
Companies House | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
CompSci Resources, LLC | XBRL US | United States |
CONFINET | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Conseil National de l'ordre des Experts-Comptables | XBRL France | France |
Consejo General de Colegios de Economistas de España | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Consist Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
CoreFiling Ltd | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Corporatings | XBRL France | France |
CQS | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Creditsafe i Sverige AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
CRENWAY srl | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Ctrl Print France | XBRL France | France |
CtrlPrint AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
CtrlPrint Finland Oy | XBRL Finland | Finland |
CtrlPrint UK Ltd. | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Danish Business Authority | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Danmarks Statistik | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Dansk Software Center A/S | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Data Coalition | XBRL US | United States |
DataTracks | XBRL US | United States |
DataTracks | XBRL Europe | United States |
DATEV eG | XBRL Germany | Germany |
DBrown Consulting | XII Direct Member | Nigeria |
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Deloitte & Touche (UK) | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Deloitte (Denmark) | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Deloitte (Finland) | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Deloitte (France) | XBRL France | France |
Deloitte (Netherlands) | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Deloitte (South Africa) | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Deloitte (Sweden) | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Deloitte (US) | XBRL US | United States |
Deloitte Anjin | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Deloitte Consulting, S.L.U. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Deutsche Bundesbank | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Deutsche Steuerberaterverband e.V. | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Deutscher Sparkassen Verlag GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standard Committee (DRSC) e.V. | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Digia Sweden AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Diligence Software SAM | XBRL France | France |
Dirección General del Patrimonio del Estado | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Dirept AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
diSCIS GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Donnelley Financial Solutions | XBRL US | United States |
Donnelley Financial Solutions | XBRL Europe | United Kingdom |
Duck Creek | XBRL Europe | France |
DUZON DASS | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
e-conomc danmark a/s | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Easit | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Easy X | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
easyESEF | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Edgar Agents, LLC | XBRL US | United States |
EdgarStat LLC | XBRL US | United States |
EDIFICAS | XBRL France | France |
Edison Solutions AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Eklund & Eklund AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Ernst & Young (Belgium) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Ernst & Young (Denmark) | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
ERNST & Young (Korea) | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Ernst & Young (South Africa) | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Ernst & Young (Sweden) | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Ernst & Young (UK) | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Ernst & Young (UK) | XBRL Europe | United Kingdom |
Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft | XBRL Germany | Germany |
etXetera | XBRL France | France |
Eunoia Limited | XBRL Europe | Malta |
eurodata GmbH & Co. KG | XBRL Germany | Germany |
European Central Bank | XBRL Europe | |
European Federation of Financial Analyst Societies (EFFAS) | XBRL Europe | Germany |
European Institute of Financial Regulation (EIFR) | XBRL France | France |
Exact Automatisering BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Exact Automatisering BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
ExBee Ltd. | XBRL US | United States |
Extra Software, S.A. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
EY (Finland) | XBRL Finland | Finland |
EY (Netherlands) | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
EY (US) | XBRL US | United States |
EZ-XBRL Solutions LLC | XBRL US | United States |
FactSet Research Systems, Inc. | XBRL US | United States |
Fanda Digital OU | XII Direct Member | Estonia |
FAR SRS | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) | XII Direct Member | United States |
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) | XBRL US | United States |
Financial ART Solutions | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Financial Services Authority Sultanate Of Oman | XII Direct Member | Sultanate of Oman |
Financial Services Board | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Financial Supervisory Service | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Finansraadet | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Finanssialan keskusliitto | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Finanssivalvonta | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Finanstilsynet | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Finanzverwaltung des Landes NRW vertreten durch das Rechenzentrum der Finanzverwaltung NRW | XBRL Germany | Germany |
FinTags | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
firesys GMBH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
First Rand Bank | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
FITD | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Fiva | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Focus IT | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Fortnox International | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Fraunhofer IAIS | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Friend Studio | XBRL Europe | France |
Friend Studio | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
FRR | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
FSR | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Fujitsu (FQS) Poland | XBRL Europe | Poland |
Fujitsu Korea Ltd. | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Fujitsu Ltd. | XII Sustaining Partner | Japan |
Fujitsu Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Fujitsu Marketing Limited | XBRL Japan | Japan |
fwsb gmbh | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Föreningen SIE-Gruppen | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Företagarna Ideell Förening | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Georgia Tech Financial Services Innovation Lab | XBRL US | United States |
Global Format GmbH & Co. KG | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Global Legal Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) | XII Direct Member | Switzerland |
Gold Fields Limited Mining Services LTD | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Grant Thornton Risk Management | XBRL France | France |
Groupama Asset Management | XBRL France | France |
Grupo Santander | XBRL Spain | Spain |
H Data | XBRL US | United States |
Hanken | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Hitachi Systems & Services, Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
HITACHI, Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
HMRC | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
Hogeschool van Amsterdam | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Hogia Redovisning & Revision AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Horwath Choongjeong | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
IFRS Foundation | XII Direct Member | United Kingdom |
IGM Technology Corp. | XBRL US | Canada |
Ihara Hideki Certified Public Tax Accountant offic | XBRL Japan | Japan |
In Solutions Global Limited | XBRL India | India |
INCE (PTY) LTD | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Indonesia Stock Exchange | XII Direct Member | Indonesia |
Infinity Rep Solutions (PTY) LTD | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Informa D&B S.A. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
ING Bank N.V. | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
INSEE | XBRL France | France |
Insight Software US | XBRL US | United States |
Insight Software US | XBRL Europe | United States |
Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises (IRE)/Instituut der Bedrijfsrevisoren (IBR) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Institut Professionnel des Comptables et Fiscalistes Agréés (IPCF)/Beroepsinstituut van Erkende Boekhouders en Fiscalisten (BIBF) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Instituto Censores Jurados Cuentas | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Instituto de Crédito Oficial | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Instituto Espańol de Analistas Financieros | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Instituut van de Accountants en de Belastingconsulenten (IAB)/Institut des experts-comptables et des Conseils fiscaux (IEC) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Inteligencija | XBRL Europe | Croatia |
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) | United Kingdom | |
Intersentia | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Inventio | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Investec Private Bank | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
INVOKE | XBRL France | France |
INVOKE | XBRL Europe | France |
Invoke SA | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
IRIS Business Services LTD | XII Direct Member | India |
IRIS Business Services LTD | XBRL Europe | India |
IRIS Business Services LTD | XBRL US | United States |
Israel Securities Authority | XII Direct Member | Israel |
ISTAT | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Iterum AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
IVASS | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Japan Digital Laboratory | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Jipoint AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
John E. Eriksson | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
JSE Limited | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Kamer Van Koophandel | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Kiwoong Information & Communication Co.,LTD | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Kluwer Software | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
KOLON BENIT | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Korea Accounting Association | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Korea Accounting Standards Board | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Korea Association for CFOs | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Korea Enterprise Data Co.,Ltd | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Korea Information Service | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
KOREA STOCK EXCHANGE | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
KPMG (Denmark) | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
KPMG (France) | XBRL France | France |
KPMG (South Africa) | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
KPMG (US) | XBRL US | United States |
KPMG - Finland | XBRL Finland | Finland |
KPMG AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
KPMG Advisory | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
KPMG Asesores S.L. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
KPMG Business Resource Management KK | XBRL Japan | Japan |
KPMG Deutsche Treuhand AG | XBRL Germany | Germany |
KPMG LLP | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
KPMG Tax & Legal Advisors - AP Department | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
KT | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Kuwait Capital Markets Authority | XII Direct Member | Kuwait |
KYOBO Life Insurance Co., Ltd. | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
LABRADOR | XBRL France | France |
LABRADOR | XBRL Europe | France |
LaReg Corp. | XBRL US | United States |
Lendys | XBRL France | France |
Logius | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
LucaNet AG | XII Sustaining Partner | Germany |
M2 Compliance Incorporated | XBRL US | United States |
Magnus Informatik A/S | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
MAZARS (France) | XBRL France | France |
Mercury and Earth KK | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Microsoft DK | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Microvista Technologies Pvt Ltd | XII Direct Member | India |
Ministerie van Financiën | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Ministry of Economic Affairs | XBRL Europe | Estonia |
Ministry of Finance (China) | XBRL China | China |
Mirendo AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
mms solutions ag | XBRL Germany | Switzerland |
Monetary Authority of Singapore | XII Direct Member | Singapore |
MOODY'S ANALYTICS | XBRL France | France |
MultiLogikApS | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Nationale Bank van België/Banque nationale de Belgique (NBB) | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
NCS Software, S.L. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Nedbank Limited | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Accountants (NBA) | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Nihon Unisys, Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
NineConsult A/S | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
NOREA | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Notified | XBRL France | France |
Novaworks Software | XBRL US | United States |
Novisto Inc. | XII Direct Member | Canada |
NTT Data Corporation | XBRL Japan | Japan |
NTT DATA Institute of Management Consulting, Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Oakland University | XBRL US | United States |
OBIC Business Consultants Co., Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
OBIC CO. LTD. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
OIC | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Oklahoma State University | XBRL US | United States |
Oracle Corporation Japan | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Oracle Ibérica, S.A. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Otisco AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
ParsePort | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
ParsePort | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
ParsePort BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
PCA Corporation | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Penn State University, Smeal College of Business | XBRL US | United States |
Performance Management Partners, S.L. | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Platinum Services Europe | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
Pomelo Paradigm | XBRL France | France |
Pomelo Paradigm | XBRL Europe | France |
PPA Gesellschaft für Finanzanalyse und Benchmarks | XBRL Germany | Germany |
PragmaTools | XBRL Belgium | Netherlands |
PRECIS, Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
PRH | XBRL Finland | Finland |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (China) | China | |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (Denmark) | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (France) | XBRL France | France |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (South Africa) | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sweden) | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (UK) | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (UK) | XBRL Europe | United Kingdom |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata | XBRL Japan | Japan |
PriceWaterhouseCoopers AG WPG (Germany) | XBRL Germany | Germany |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Kyoto | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Procountor | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Pronexus, Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
PWC (Finland) | XBRL Finland | Finland |
PWC (Netherlands) | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
PwC (US) | XII Sustaining Partner | United States |
PwC (US) | XBRL US | United States |
Qatar Stock Exchange | XII Direct Member | Qatar |
Queens College CUNY | XBRL US | United States |
RDG Filings, Inc. | XBRL US | United States |
Real Value Added Consulting AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Refinitiv | XBRL US | United States |
Regnology Germany GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Regscape | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Reiter-IT | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Reporting Estandar S.L. | XII Direct Member | Spain |
Reporting Estandar S.L. | XBRL Europe | Spain |
Reportix GmbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Resultmaker | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Reuters Korea | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
REVISION AARHUS | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Revisor Informatik | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Rhodes College | XBRL US | United States |
Robot Fund CoA11:A36., Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Rödl & Partner GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft | XBRL Germany | Germany |
S&N AG | XBRL Germany | Germany |
SAGE ESPAÑA | XBRL Spain | Spain |
Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Samjung KPMG | XBRL Korea | Korea, Republic of |
SBR Nexus | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Semansys Technologies | XBRL Europe | Netherlands |
Service Public Fédéral/Finances Federal Overheidsdienst Financiën | XBRL Belgium | Belgium |
SIA GROUP | XBRL Italy | Italy |
SIA Orients Accounting | XII Direct Member | Latvia |
Skandinavisk Data Center A/S | XBRL Denmark | Denmark |
Skatteverket | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
SOPRA GROUP | XBRL Spain | Spain |
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
South African Reserve Bank | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
SOVEGA | XBRL Italy | Italy |
Speeki Pte Ltd | XII Direct Member | Singapore |
SRF | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Standard Bank | XBRL South Africa | South Africa |
Statistiska Centralbyrån | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Steed School of Accounting, University of Oklahoma | XBRL US | United States |
Suffolk University | XBRL US | United States |
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Suomen Tilintarkastajat | XBRL Finland | Finland |
SYNA | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Synvance | XBRL France | France |
Systrends | XBRL US | United States |
TagniFi | XBRL US | United States |
Takara Printing Co., Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Talentia Software | XBRL France | France |
Taloushallintoliitto | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Tanaka Certified Public Accountants Corporation | XBRL Japan | Japan |
TATEMURA co., ltd | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Taxxor | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
TCONNECT Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University | XBRL US | United States |
TESH Advice Limited | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
TESH Advice Limited | XBRL Europe | United Kingdom |
Thauris BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
The Japanese Institute of CPAs | XBRL Japan | Japan |
The University of Tennessee | XBRL US | United States |
The University of Texas at Dallas | XBRL US | United States |
The Zeal Soft (Private) Limited | XII Direct Member | Pakistan |
Tiego AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
TIEKE | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Tilastokeskus | XBRL Finland | Finland |
TIS Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
TKC Corporation | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Tohmatsu & Co. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Tokyo Certified Public Tax Accountants' Association Information Systems Committee | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Tokyo Shoko Research, Ltd. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Topicus Finance | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Toppan Merrill | XII Sustaining Partner | United States |
Toppan Merrill | XBRL US | United States |
Toyo Keizai Inc. | XBRL Japan | Japan |
Treukontax Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Truth in Accounting | XBRL US | United States |
UBPartner | XBRL France | France |
UBPartner | XBRL Europe | France |
UBPartner | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
UC | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Unicredit Bank AG | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Unit4 AB | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
University of Mississippi, Patterson School of Accountancy | XBRL US | United States |
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business | XBRL US | United States |
University of West Florida | XBRL US | United States |
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Rechnungs- und Prüfungswesen | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Universität Trier, Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Universität zu Köln, Seminar für Allg. Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerle | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Valtiokonttori | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Visma | XBRL Finland | Finland |
Visma Connect BV | XBRL Netherlands | Netherlands |
Visma Scandinavian PC Systems | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Belgium | XII Sustaining Partner | Belgium |
Wolters Kluwer Scandinavia AB (tidigare Norstedts Juridik) | XBRL Sweden | Sweden |
Wolters Kluwer Software and Service | XBRL Germany | Germany |
Workiva | XII Sustaining Partner | United States |
Workiva | XBRL US | United States |
Workiva UK Limited | XBRL Europe | United Kingdom |
Xmetric Ltd | XBRL UK | United Kingdom |
XTENSIVEB | XBRL France | France |