US SEC iXBRL Data now Available

XBRL US member Workiva announced this week that one of its clients was the first filer to submit data to the SEC using Inline XBRL. The filing in question was a Form 10-Q from Lennar Corporation, with financial data from the quarter ending 31 May. You can view the data using the SEC’s new iXBRL viewer here.
From there you can immediately:
- identify what has been tagged and how each data point was marked up;
- use the Tags drop down filter to, for example, show just entity-specific extensions;
- use the search function to look for data and metadata. For example search on “460”, having selected just “Include References” in the Search Settings (under Menu). You’ll find all the concepts marked up with tags associated with FASB Topic 460, which relates to Warranties; and
- use the “Sections” drop down to navigate through the document.
And yes, we like it because it makes the standard easier to explain!