
DataTracks Services

Posted on August 20, 2014 by Angela Rose

DataTracks Services

Product Description

DataTracks is a global leader offering clients worldwide regulatory reporting services in various formats such as PDF, HTML, xHTML, XML, XBRL, and iXBRL. DataTracks provides a wide range of services focused on optimising financial reporting processes, with a strong presence in various regions, including the USA, UK, Europe, Singapore, South Africa, India, and Malaysia.

DataTracks guarantees accurate XBRL reports generated by our team of accountants having expertise in various accounting standards. Our services are designed to provide swift turnaround times while delivering the highest standards of quality, enabling clients to meet tight regulatory deadlines at affordable prices. Customers benefit from reliability, efficiency, and affordable reporting solutions tailored to meet global regulatory requirements.

With a 19-year track record, DataTracks has established renown and a loyal customer base globally. We provide services in 26 countries, having served over 28,000 clients and generated over 400,000 compliance reports. Our experience demonstrates functional knowledge, dependability, and dedication to regulatory reporting excellence.

We support filings for the following regulations:

    1. Capital Markets and Investment Funds reporting in iXBRL with SEC in the US
    2. Public Companies reporting for ESEF iXBRL in the EU
    3. Tax Returns in iXBRL with HMRC in the UK and with Revenue in Ireland
    4. Corporate reporting in iXBRL with CIPC in South Africa
    5. Financial Institutions and Funds reporting in XML under FATCA/CRS with respective local tax authorities
    6. Multi-national enterprises reporting in XML under CbCR with respective tax authorities
    7. Corporate reporting in XBRL with SSM in Malaysia
    8. Corporate reporting in XBRL with ACRA in Singapore
    9. Corporate reporting in XBRL with MCA in India
  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Filing in France
  • Filing in Germany
  • Filing in India
  • Filing in the US
  • Filing in the UK

DataTracks is a global leader providing compliance reporting services to companies around the world for 19 years. DataTracks experts help companies convert their regulatory reports, including financial statements, to XBRL, iXBRL, HTML, xHTML, PDF and XML formats.

With experience in preparing over 400,000 compliance reports for over 28,000 clients in 26 countries, DataTracks is an ideal partner for error-free regulatory compliance reporting.

DataTracks also offers services for filing with regulators such as the SEC in the US, HMRC in the UK, Revenue Ireland in Ireland, ESMA in the EU, ACRA in Singapore, CIPC in South Africa, SSM in Malaysia, IRS/OECD for FATCA/CRS around the globe, and MCA in India.

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