

Posted on August 20, 2014 by Angela Rose


Product Description

XBRL Factory-SE is a flexible and powerful server-based solution to source, aggregate, validate and create regulatory reporting data in XBRL, for seemless reporting of COREP, FINREP, SOLVENCY, etc…
Aguilonius supports multiple databases and interfacing standards. Full support of EUROFILING taxonomy architecture.

Tool Features
  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Data Aggregation/Publishing
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance
Company Description

Aguilonius is a Brussels-based partnership, founded by top experts with decades of experience in the wide area of regulatory or prudential reporting, related to the financial services industry, and more specifically around the knowledge domains of Belgian GAAP, IFRS and XBRL.

Aguilonius' co founder Derek De Brandt was team member of the project team of "XBRL in Europe", by the EU Commission funded project which widely studied and introduced the standard in Europe between 2002 and 2004.

The company develops software components to comply with regulatory reporting in XBRL to predominantly European supervisors, and covers since 2007 the f.k.a. CEBS XBRL reporting challenges up to the EBA CRDIV frameworks and EIOPA's SOLVENCY II framework.

Aguilonius is preferred supplier in the specialised area of regulatory reporting (XBRL, COREP, FINREP, IFRS, SOLVENCY II,...) to many financial institutions, both on the preparer side and the supervisor side.

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