

Posted on August 20, 2014 by Angela Rose

Product Description

aSISt is a modular reporting system developed for mandatory banking reporting, especially the full scope of banking XBRL reporting. It manages the whole reporting process, from the data entry to the final generation and delivery of the report to the supervisor. aSISt provides the variety of features which supports the user in all of the tasks of obligatory reporting daily routine, such as the data entry manual and automated methods, report validation, the data reconciliation, XBRL report instance generation and many more.
Besides the basic manual method of data entry, aSISt provides the automated possibilities such as predefined import interfaces from many popular formats, as well as the full automation of the process with data mapping and even the internal ETL processing.
Worth to emphasize are the validation features in the system. There are two complementary methods. First of them is the simple check of the whole report against the validation rules ending with the interactive list of results and inconsistencies. And the second one is going far behind the standard methods, which is the real-time validation, so the immediate identification of results and visual presentation of inconsistencies.

The use of additional aSISt modules opens the possibility to adjust the system to the customer’s needs. The modular design of the system allows to configure the number of users working with the application, to choose the functionalities of the system, to select the scope of supported reports and even to fully automate the reporting process with the use of workflow. Below are presented some of the standard configurations.

aSISt BASIC is the base desktop version of the aSISt reporting application. It is selected by users who are looking for a tool for visual preparation and reconciliation of reports.
This variant is available “off the shelf”, which gives the opportunity to use the product immediately after receiving the license, without the need to implement and integrate systems. aSISt BASIC enables a broad range of data import and export formats, i.e. XBRL, CSV or XLSX. This version has a built-in XBRL validator and XBRL formula, and contains a package of reports in line with the European ITS standard.

aSISt STANDARD is an extension of the BASIC package that allows for automation of reporting data supply, which will significantly enhance the work of the reporting team. Implementation of the application focuses on fitting it into the client’s existing infrastructure “as is”, i.e. without any need for modification. This option is dedicated to users seeking an effective reporting system. It permits the work of many users simultaneously. Thanks to the data automation module, it enables data integration (aS-DataCalc) and efficient data mapping. This version allows users to access the generated reports using a web browser.

aSISt AUTOMATED is the richest aSISt package that allows to increase the efficiency of reporting processes by automating them and reducing the role of users to standardize and reconcile reports. It is equipped with a module for reporting processes automation – aS-WorkFlow that allows to run processes without user interaction (download, aggregation and calculation of reports). Reporting processes are started automatically using the web-services component in the processing chain as an extension of the “end of day”, “end of month” procedures or through a work-flow corporate system.

On top of that, aSISt is ready to use, so called “off-the-shelf” system embedded with internal database. Therefore it is very easy in deployment, which needs to simply go through the installation wizard, without the need of technical assistance from the supplier and even without the participation of IT team.

Thanks to the facts described above, aSISt is ready for free trial before the purchase.

Tool Features
  • Analytical Tools
  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Data Aggregation/Publishing
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries
Company Description

Since 2006, GPM Systems is the provider of the tools for mandatory XBRL reporting in banking sector. Our experience paired with invaluable trust and sympathy of customers have caused that today, we can proudly admit to being the leader in Polish banking XBRL reporting. Setting high standards for ourselves and acting in line with them, we simplify the preparation of reports and supervision over the reporting process. Our top priority is to hide the complex and difficult XBRL technology and formalities behind the user-friendly interface, to allow the end user to focus on the biggest reporting challenge, which is the quality of data.

Our products and services are the result of long-term and successful cooperation with FINGO – a software manufacturer. For many years we have designed and offered solutions in accordance with top technology standards. Together with FINGO, we design, implement and develop systems for sector supervisors and reporting units.

The services include two key areas of mandatory reporting:
- supervision and process management in the banking sector,
- fulfilment of reporting obligations by financial institutions and banks.

Our solutions are used by banks, branches of foreign banks and banking market supervisors in the whole Europe.

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