

Posted on August 20, 2014 by Angela Rose


Product Description

ADDACTIS PILLAR3® generates your whole range of current and future national and international regulatory reports (eg Solvency
II) with XBRL and Microsoft Excel® technologies and covers the entire supply chain, from Solvency Capital Requirement of Solvency II Pillar 1 (SCR, MCR, BE, Risk margin…) to all internal reports providing electronic signature for all documents to be transmitted to the supervising authority. It is based on a dedicated database centralizing and historizing both regulatory and internal reporting data along with full audit trail. The user can carry out intra/inter reports consistency tests and backup reports previously sent to the supervisor.

ADDACTIS PILLAR3® integrates your future needs in terms of Solvency II reporting, among which easy data importing. In particular it provides a direct connection to ADDACTIS MODELING®, our modeling platform, as well as a complete backup of reports and EIOPA version specifications (Lobs, computations…) allowing to regenerate identical reports at any time. Moreover, it has been structured to support your own report templates and data. The dedicated user and profile management allows a very precise rights allocation.

Tool Features
  • Analytical Tools
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries
Company Description

ADDACTIS Worldwide, an European leader in consulting services and actuarial software.
ADDACTIS Worldwide addresses the needs of insurance professionals with innovative strategies and state-of-the-art software packages.
ADD because we are constantly on a mission to add value to your activity.
ACTIS makes reference to our roots in the actuarial industry and our passion for actionable solutions.
Worldwide because we are committed to international development.
A unique approach in Europe
ADDACTIS Worldwide is the only European – based consultant actuary to provide both expert consulting and software.
As the European Insurance sector is facing the implementation of Solvency 2, clients expect at the same time:
Comprehensive understanding of the directive, its concepts and how to apply it to local conditions.
Software packages that provide better traceability and productivity of actuarial works.
A proven recipe!
Innovative solutions and expert actuaries are the cornerstones of ADDACTIS Worldwide ongoing success, with over 100 clients in Europe.

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