Weigh in on data quality

XBRL US is making available for public exposure the first set of proposed rules to address common XBRL input errors. This is the first set of proposals from the XBRL US Center for Data Quality and its members Merrill Corporation, RDG Filings, RR Donnelley, Vintage Filings, and Workiva. The materials for comment cover a wide range of validation issues. Moving forward a committee of stakeholders representing filers and investors, including the AICPA, Bloomberg, Calcbench, the CFA Institute, Credit Suisse HOLT and S&P Capital IQ, will develop guidance that will enable public company accountants more quickly identify and resolve XBRL errors.
This is an important effort and we urge you to take part by commenting on the proposed rules. Learn more about the XBRL US Center for Data Quality.