Welcome New Members

The consortium is pleased to welcome its two newest members.
Bank of Israel (BOI). The BOI is undertaking an XBRL implementation to collect information from supervised corporations reporting to the Banking Supervision Department.
XBRL Belarus (XBRL BY). The Jurisdiction will be educating various government agencies and the wider business community on the benefits of structured data reporting. The prospects for XBRL adoption in Belarus are good, with the country very recently having implemented IFRS. In many countries the modernisation of reporting through IFRS adoption goes hand in hand with the modernisation of theprocess of reporting with XBRL. The Jurisdiction is working in partnership with the Laboratory of Tax Policy and Actual Problems of Taxation (founded by the Belarusian State Economic University and the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of Belarus).
The Banque de la République d’Haïti (Central Bank of Haiti) has joined the consortium as a Direct Member. The central bank has initiated a project to receive financial data from the country’s commercial banks and produce reports that will be used by the Supervision department to facilitate analysis (statistical reports by bank, financial data and financial indicators bank by bank).