
XBRL International Announces Elected Board Members

Posted on November 21, 2013 by admin

XBRL International is pleased to announce the new members of its Board of Directors, elected by the ballot that followed the XII Member Assembly at its general meeting on November 18, 2013.  Those elected will serve two year terms expiring at the end of 2015.

The XBRL International Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from National Jurisdictions, the Direct Member base, as well as at-large representatives.

“The entire XBRL community joins me in congratulating those elected to the Board of Directors. XBRL International will benefit from their leadership and expertise as we work together to help improve reporting and hence, decision making, at local, national, regional and global levels.” said XBRL International CEO John Turner.

Elected to two-year terms:

Jurisdictional Representative
H.E. Mohammed Khalifa Al-Hadari– Deputy CEO, Securities and Commodities Authority, UAE

Organisational Direct Member Representative
Mr. Cees de Boer – Member of Executive Board, CFO and COO, Deloitte, Netherlands (re-elected)

At-Large Representative
Mr. Andreas Weller – Head of IT, European Banking Authority, London





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