
XBRL International launches Certification for Review and Audit Software

Posted on September 18, 2020 by Editor

With the increase in use of XBRL and iXBRL for company financial reports around the world, and the upcoming ESEF requirement in Europe, we’ve seen a growing demand for tools that assist with the process of reviewing XBRL reports. Auditors, management and staff involved in the preparation of filings as well as external consultants are all involved in the review of XBRL financial reports and need tools to help examine them.

Whilst formal procedures for reviewing and auditing XBRL reports are still under development, the foundation for such review must conform to the technical specifications, which is why we have introduced a new “Review and Consumption” category to our certification programme.

We are very pleased to announce that five software vendors are the first to have achieved this certification for products in this new category: Amana, CoreFiling, DataTracksParseport and UBPartner.  More details can be found on our software certification site.

If you are interested in getting your software certified, you can learn more on the XBRL International website.

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