
XBRL International Seeks Feedback on Inline XBRL 1.1

Posted on March 1, 2013 by admin

XII has made the first public working draft of the Inline XBRL 1.1 Specification available for comment.  Version 1.1 is the second release of the Specification for Inline XBRL. This version adds to version 1.0 a mechanism for splitting text content within a document; it allows the nesting of ix:nonFraction and ix:fraction; and it replaces the linking mechanism for footnote resources with a structure based on a new element, ix:relationship, which also provides support for fact-explanatoryFact links.

Please refer to the XBRL Specifications site for more information on opportunities for feedback.

Feedback on this release is requested and must be sent to rendering-feedback@xbrl.org.



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