XII Elects New Board Members

XBRL International is pleased to welcome the following new members to the Board of Directors, elected by the XII Member Assembly following its 5 November 2014 general meeting. Board members provide strategic direction and guidance to the staff and volunteers, along with financial oversight and governance of the XBRL consortium.
Leng Bing (Jurisdiction Representative – XBRL China) Mr. Leng Bing is a Deputy Director at China Ministry of Finance. He has served at MoF for over 10 years and has been engaged in XBRL International activities for 8 years. As an accounting technical staff member, he oversees Chinese accounting standards which are substantially converged with the IFRSs.
Kenneth Yap (Direct Member Representative – ACRA Singapore) Mr Kenneth Yap is the Chief Executive of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority(ACRA). He directs and oversees the operations of ACRA which is the national regulator of business entities and public accountants in Singapore.
Robert Tarola (At Large Member – United States) Mr. Robert M. Tarola is President of Right Advisory LLC, a consulting firm formed in 2008 which offers a uniqueperspective to address business and professional challenges of operating executives, governance bodies and finance professionals. Mr. Tarola has extensive experience as apublic company director, public company CFO and public company auditor.
Hans Buysse (At Large Member – Belgium) Mr. Hans Buysse is Senior Partner at SynCap-Clairfield International, Dept President of Belgium Assoc. of Financial Analysts, Member of the EFFAS EMC, ACIIA Exec. Board Member, and a Member of the ESMA Corporate Reporting Standing Committee Consultative working group. He is a board member of XBRL Europe and head of its Usability Working Group. Hans has extensive experience in financial analysis, M&A and Structured Finance.