
XII Member Assembly Meeting

Posted on November 6, 2015 by Dave Nitchman


XII will hold the next meeting of the Member Assembly via webinar on 19 November at 1230 UTC. The Member Assembly is the top-level governing body of the XBRL consortium, responsible for electing the Board of Directors, along with the members of the XBRL Standards Board, the Best Practices Board, the Nominations Committee, the Finance Committee and the Membership Development Committee. The Member Assembly also approves the final versions of the budget and audited financial statements each year.

This meeting is open to all members. Check out our membership list. If your organisation is on it you are eligible to attend this virtual meeting. If it isn’t, learn more about how to join. Then click here to find out about the consortium, participation opportunitiesonline training and more. You can always email join@xbrl.org to learn more.

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